September 6th, 2022 Revature

Top 7 STEM Majors That Can Work in Software Engineering

Chances are you’re not the same person you were years ago when you first chose your college major. Maybe you’ve dabbled in software engineering before, but you’re not sure you have what it takes for a full-on career change into tech. Fortunately, you don’t necessarily need a computer science degree to work in tech.

Software Engineering Jobs for STEM Majors

Many STEM majors have the same problem-solving analytics skills that can be applied to software engineering.

1. Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems (CIS) is the application of technology to meet business needs and provide solutions. With a CIS degree, you’ll have a deep understanding of a business’s technical needs and challenges, allowing you to develop the perfect software.

Not to mention, you already have extensive knowledge of computer systems and programming languages.

2. Mathematics

While you can’t directly transfer your knowledge of mathematics into software engineering, there are still many jobs for math majors in tech. For starters, the methodology and process of learning math can help you develop problem-solving skills and applications.

Advanced mathematics won’t be of much help with software development. However, software development relies heavily on mathematical knowledge such as Boolean Algebra, giving you an edge over engineers with limited math skills.

3. Electrical Engineering

As the name suggests, Electrical Engineering (EE) deals with electronics, electromagnetism, as well as general applications of electricity. By being an EE, you’ll have a deep understanding of how computers and computer systems work on a fundamental level.

In fact, there are many jobs for engineering majors in designing embedded systems for tech companies.

4. Mechanical Engineering

Similarly to EE, Mechanical Engineers design heavy machinery and work alongside its software and main framework all the time. The same knowledge that goes into building a physical machine can design and develop a piece of software.

5. Psychology

Despite the lack of technical skills, as a psychologist, you have a deep understanding of one of software’s most critical parts: its human users. Since you’re an expert in human behavior, you’ll have the knowledge and expertise needed to develop an app that’s easy and intuitive to use while also meeting users’ needs and wants.

6. Physics

Like math majors, physics majors have the advantage of knowing how to break down complex issues into simple steps and work towards an efficient solution. As a physicist, you’ll also have sufficient knowledge in mathematics and logic to get you through any programming language you choose.

7. Genetics

Despite being a field in biology, geneticists regularly handle massive amounts of data, usually through computer software. As a geneticist, not only do you have hands-on experience working with complex software and devices, you’re also used to complex data systems. That’s why biology degree jobs in software engineering and tech are popping up all over nowadays.

Filling in The Gaps in Knowledge

Regardless of your current major, you’re going to need to fill in some gaps in technical knowledge before you can confidently introduce yourself as a software engineer. Visit Revature, where we’ve trained over 8,000 college graduates in software engineering in over 50 technical disciplines, and start your learning journey.